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11:14 p.m. - 06.07.04
Sirius Stuffage
"Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me..."

Oh yes, we need major updatage on here.

Well, first... I graduated yesterday. Yaaaay me! I'm happy. I'll miss my friends, but I'll try to keep in contact. Really. It was actually kinda fun. I had the cutest shoes ever.

Speaking of cute, I got a puppy. A really cute adorable black poofy German Shepard/ mostly Chow mix. I named him Sirius. Yes, after Sirius Black. I know.

Huh. The guy who plays Jackie Chan's dad in Shanghai Knights is the same guy who played Uncle Benny in Lethal Weapon 4.

I think my puppy is snoring.

I got my college schedule today... IT's nice. Three classes Monday, two Tuesday, and one each on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Cake.

I finally got Maury a birthday present. I have to wake up early tomorrow to go to the post office and send it to her.

I finally got a domain! is now mine. Once I get my computer set up, I'll get hosting somewhere and probaby move this blog there... Dunno yet.

Anyhow, I think that's it for now... We're finally in our new house, and my computer should be set up soon. I'll add more then. Toodles!


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